Alden Color #4 MCT Bluchers
There are many Alden shoe models that most would kill to have… and these are unquestionably easily on that list! Why so, well, simply put, it is the perfect shade of Shell Cordovan combined with a truly cool and unique pattern that has been executed to perfection.
So what am I calling the perfect shade of Shell Cordovan? Well that is Horween’s Color #4 Shell Cordovan. If you haven’t read any of my other related posts, it is an exquisite Red-Brown shade made by using half the concentration of Color #8 (burgundy) dye. Just sheer perfection!
This Color #4 Alden is actually my first Color #4 Shoe! All of my other models of Color #4 are boots, so I am very excited to get a shoe made out of this coveted material.
The shoe was based upon Alden of Washington DC’s Ravello Medallion Cap Toe Blucher, but with some great refinements. The Medallion Cap Toe Blucher, is a Dover Cut blucher featuring a Cap Toe adorned with a Medallion and a Pinked, Perforated Tip. The shoe is a Blucher pattern, providing a slight casual edge to the shoe. That is playfully contrasted with the elegance of Alden’s Plaza Last, combining to create a visually appealing pattern. The Color #4 Shell shade is perfectly patched with Alden’s Antique Edge and their clean flat welt. The welt attaches Alden’s Single Oak Leather Outsoles to the blucher, for a classic and formal appearance. As alluded to, these bluchers are slightly refined compared to their Ravello cousins by showcasing Alden’s “Trump” Medallion vice the Plaza Last’s traditional “Ram’s Head” Medallion. Additionally, the upper was attached to the outsole with a 360 degree welt, vice the Ravello, which uses their 270 degree welt. These new details take this blucher to the next level!
Well, that is enough about them! Here they are in all of their glory!!!
Here are these amazing Bluchers in my yard…
Here are the Color #4 MCTs with their Ravello twins.
And here are the recent runs of Color #4 that I have been fortunate enough to have.