The Ultimate Color #8 Norwegian Split Toe Blucher
Alden has a great number of beautiful Norwegian Split Toe (NST) Blucher models, including the stock 2210 and 2211 (made around the Aberdeen Last), but I consider this special makeup, done by JGilbert and now by Brick + Mortar to be the ultimate Color 8 NST design. I always like to say that the devil is in the details, and this makeup makes two minor changes that changes the overall feel of the shoe. The first and most obvious change, is the switch to the Plaza Last. I am not particularly shy about saying that the Plaza last is my favorite last that Alden uses. I say this not only because of the style on it, but because it fits me extremely well. The other and more subtle change to this model is the addition of a sixth eyelet. I really like this minute change because it flows naturally with the line and formality of this shoe and helps to provide the elongated look of this shoe. I know that many prefer the “pop” of having an antique edge, but I am extremely glad that this beautiful blucher does not, because it would detract from the elegance and formality of the makeup.
Here are several pictures of this blucher.