2020: The Unforgettable Forgettable Year
By almost any measure, 2020 was one of the worst years that I can think of in my lifetime. I do consider myself blessed to have a stable job and fantastic wife, but with the ongoing global pandemic and several incidents highlighting racial injustice in our nation leading to widespread protests. The pandemic has led to me virtually staying in my house 24/7, the uncertainty in the world and the constant fear, it is definitely not a year that I will forget. Thankfully there is some hope on the horizon with the vaccine coming out, which will hopefully restore a sense of normalcy. A wise colleague of mine always says “never waste a good crisis”. Hopefully we all learned a little bit about ourselves this past year and what we value the most.
From an Alden perspective, this turned out to be a year to not forget… I saw several allocations of Ravello Shell Cordovan – many of which arrived this year and a few to come. The ones that arrived are a remarkable shade of Ravello, akin to some of the nicest Ravello that we haven’t seen in almost a decade. Some Whiskey Shell Cordovan makeups came in and a few just started. Several Cigar Shell Cordovan make-ups are nearing completion, and I even got a pair of Mocha Shell Cordovan, a shade that I had written off as unobtainable. However, 2020 saw the return of one of the most desirable colors ever to come from Alden, Color #4 Shell Cordovan. Candidly, I never thought that Alden would ever use Color #4 again, so it was a tremendous and pleasant surprise when I was informed that they were doing it again.
Also, due to the global pandemic and really my inability to use my old photography setup, I created a whole new set which I truly believe showcases my pairs like never before, helping their full glory to be demonstrated.
I rounded out the year with a few pairs from Viberg, Rancourt, and even a Marbled Cordovan model from Allen Edmonds.
In the order that I received the pairs this year, here is what I was blessed to have received.
- Alden Whiskey Shell Cordovan Penny Loafer (H. Stockton in Atlanta)
- Viberg Color #8 Shell Cordovan Service Boots (Brooklyn Clothing with Black Shell Tongue and Stitchdown Construction)
- Alden Whiskey Shell Cordovan Perforated Tip Cap Toe Boot (TheShoeMart)
- Rancourt x Ralph Lauren Natural Shell Cordovan Penny Pinch Loafer
- Rancourt Color #4 Shell Cordovan Wingtip Boot
- Viberg Color #6 Shell Cordovan Plain Toe Service Boot
- Alden Hunting Green Suede Atom Bluchers (Ealdwine)
- Rancourt Color #4 Shell Cordovan Caribou Boot
- Rancourt Reverse Black Shell Cordovan Boat Shoes
- Alden Whiskey Shell Cordovan Wingtip Boot (Alden Madison)
- Alden Mocha Shell Cordovan Dr. Jones Boot (Alden Washington D.C.)
- Alden Loden Suede Tassel Loafer (David Wood)
- Alden Snuff Suede Wingtip Monks (Style by Blaine)
- Alden Color #4 Shell Cordovan Perforated Tip Cap Toe Boot (David Wood)
- Alden “Brassvello” Ravello Shell Cordovan Wingtip Boot (Brick + Mortar Seattle)
- Alden Snuff Suede NST Loafer (Alden Madsion)
- Alden Dark Brown Suede Unlined Chukka Boot (Alden Madison)
- Alden Chocolate Suede U-Tip Saddle Shoe (Alden of Carmel)
- Alden Ravello Shell Cordovan Belt (Alden Washington D.C.)
- Rancourt Navy Shell Cordovan Beef Roll Loafers
- Rancourt Natural Shell Cordovan Beef Roll Loafers
- Alden x Brooks Brothers Unlined Color #8 Shell Cordovan LHS
- Viberg Colour #2 Shell Cordovan Service Boots (Stitchdown Construction)
- Alden Tobacco Reverse Chamois Indy Boots (Alden of San Francisco)
- Alden Earth Reverse Chamois Indy Boots (Brick + Mortar Seattle)
- Alden Cigar Shell Cordovan 6-Eyelet NST Chukka Boot (TheShoeMart)
- Allen Edmonds Marbled Dark Cognac “Strand” Semi-Brogue Balmoral
- Alden Ravello Shell Cordovan V-Tip Boot (Brick + Mortar Seattle)
- Alden Dark Brown Regina Grain Calfskin Wingtip Boot (Ealdwine)
- Alden Ravello Shell Cordovan U-Tip Blucher (Alden Madison)
- Alden Ravello Shell Cordovan Dr. Jones Boot (Harrison Ltd)
- Alden Ravello Shell Cordovan Indy Boots (TheShoeMart)
- Alden Ravello Shell Cordovan LHS (Alden Washington D.C.)
9.5 B/D Tassel loafers. Especially Shell Cordovan whiskey, ravello or whiskey. help me find these please
I haven’t seen a Ravello pair made in probably a decade. I would contact Alden DC on the Whiskey Tassel. I don’t know if they have any left in stock or when they are doing them again.
How are Ravellos “allocated”?
Ravello is allocated to the various Alden Retailers whenever Alden has material on hand from Horween. From there it is up to the retailer and there are many different approaches on how to give it to customers. There candidly is no perfect model there. Hope that sort of helps!