Caring for Your Shell Cordovan
My shoe care regimen is heavily based upon the well practiced “Mac Method“, however, it has some minor twists and additional specificity. I will sometimes refer to it as the “Mike Method”.
Before I go over the steps, there are some basic principles to cover. Remember that the point of brushing really is to get the oils out and on the surface. When I care for my shoes, I lightly brush the whole shoe, not putting much weight into it. I go around the entire shoe and then focus on the creases. I put my weight into it when buffing with my cotton cloths or when using the deer bone. With the deer bone, I try and do circular pattens over the creases, but frequently, it just ends up being a back and forth motion due to the shoe’s pattern interfering with my progress…
I use pretty basic supplies for my shoe care.
- I use a horsehair brush (I am cheap and buy the Allen Edmonds brushes). I use a separate brush for each color in order to avoid dye spill over. I do use the same brush for very similar colors (i.e. Alden Ravello vs. Carmina Cognac vs. Allen Edmonds Walnut Shell).
- I use cotton cloths (again, I just use the Allen Edmonds cloths, cheap and work fine). I do maintain at least 2 cloths per each color, one for basic care and one for paste waxing.
- Alden Paste Wax
- Black for Black Shell
- Color 8 for Color 8 Shell
- Brown for Cigar Shell and Ravello Shell
- Tan for Whiskey Shell
- Abbeyhorn Deer Bone (mine is from Leffot)
- Alden Leather Defender
- Allen Edmonds Heel & Sole Edge Dressing
- Black for Black Shell and Color 8 (standard edges)
- Natural for the Dark Antique (more properly referred to as Mahogany).
My basic shoe care regimen is as follows:
- Tie laces and insert shoe trees.
- Buff the dust off (if necessary) – 30 seconds
- Lightly brush the entire shoe and then brush creased areas – 3 minutesI do steps 3 to 5 in three parts, front (vamp), inside of shoe to the back seam, and outside of the shoe to the back seam.
- Hydrate the shoe (with water, saliva, or even Alden Fine Boot Cream (Neutral only)) and rub it around onto the surface of the cordovan, rubbing it into the creases – 30 seconds
- Immediately (before liquid can dry) lightly brush wet part of shoe to remove the surface moisture – 2 minutes from front, 1 minute for sides
- Buff to a shine with a cotton cloth putting heavy pressure on shoe – 2 minutes from front, 1 minute for sides
- Quick buff of entire shoe – 30 seconds
If necessary (still quite a bit of creasing is present), after completing the above basic regimen I use a deer bone following steps.
- Tie laces and insert shoe trees (if not already in).
- After quick buff – rub the deer bone on the persistent creases or scuffs with force in a circular manner – 1-2 minutes per major crease or scuff
- Lightly brush the area with the deer bone oils – 1 minute
- Buff to a shine with a cotton cloth putting heavy pressure on shoe – 2 minutes from front, 1 minute for sides
- Quick buff of entire shoe – 30 seconds
Very rarely, I apply paste wax to my shoes. I had to for these Color 8 Dr. Jones Boots today, but this is probably less than the 10th time that I have used paste wax in total.
- After Quick buff – using a cotton cloth, extract paste wax onto cloth, by running in circles inside the container to build up a small amount of wax – 15 seconds
- Lightly spread the paste wax around the shoe by rubbing wax from cotton cloth onto shoe – again, I break the shoe into the same 3 parts – front, left and right. – 1 minute
- Repeat Step 2 Until entire shoe is covered in a light coat of paste wax – 1 minute
- Allow wax to dry on shoes – 15 minutes
- Lightly brush the entire shoe to remove excess paste wax – 1 minute
- Lightly buff the entire shoe to remove excess paste wax and get nice shine – 1 minute
That is my entire regimen. I am now going to walk through it again with pictures to help explain the process.
Here are my boots before I started. Throughout these pictures, the boot on the right (left foot) is the one that I will be caring for.
First and foremost, I get the supplies out, insert trees into the boots and tie (or remove) the laces.
Going to start off brushing.
After simply doing a light brushing.
Now adding in the hydration.
After another quick brushing.
And after a deep buffing. I will add moisture as necessary to any dry spots while I brush and buff.
Now to Deer Bone, as I want to reduce the creases further.
As shown, I try and use the flat part of the bone on the flat surfaces, and I use the rounded part of the bone for the curved sides.
After using the deer bone, you should see a light oil or “haze” on the surface of the shoes. You can sort of see it in the picture below.
Finally, after another quick brush and buff.
As you can tell from the hand stitching around the apron of the shoe, these have not been paste waxed in a long time, so I am going to add paste wax on to protect and to rise a higher shine. As per the picture below, I have a towel for applying the paste wax (right), a dirty towel (center) for applying Saphir Cream (which I do not do very often either and did not do today) and applying Alden’s Leather Defender, and a clean towel (left) for my normal high shine buffing.
Note that the process for Saphir Reno and Cordovan Cream is identical to Paste Wax, except I use my finger to apply instead of a towel.
After wax has been applied. They now smell great.
Finally, after a brush and buff (with the dirty paste wax cloth), followed by another buff with the clean cloth.
Finally, the edges were getting messy, so I cleaned them up with the Allen Edmonds Black Heel & Sole Edge Dressing.
The finished product as compared against the original boot.
Hope that helps and happy shoe buffing!
Awesome article, Mike!! Have been waiting for this for some time!! Thanks for sharing!!
Ha, glad to help!
Great article! Found you from over on styleforum. What (if anything) do you recommend for rough/dry spots on cordovan. I have some BB Peal and Co boots that are a little rough near the top of the shank and a pair of Meermins that seem a little rough/dry in spots. Buffing/brushing doesnt seem to do much (although I havent added hydration to a session yet) I have not waxed either of them yet (but I did try some bick 4 on the meermins with not much success) I also have not tried a deer bone yet but one is on the way. Anything else to try?
Thank you for your comment and I am glad that you found me!
For shell that is rougher, the best bet that you have is using some paste wax to try and smooth out the surface. For dry shell, it just takes time and patience to get it re-hydrated. I have used Saphir Cordovan Cream in the past as well to try and help moisturize, but have found that simple water or saliva goes a long way.
Good afternoon,
I really do like this article as it has given me some advice on how I should take care of my pre-owned cordovans.
As for the hydration process, am I able to use Venetian shoe cream instead, since Horween recommends it? Thank you.
Great question. I am glad to help out and happy that you found this useful.
I personally recommend using either water or spit for the hydration step. You can use Venetian Shoe Cream (VSC) as an alternative to the Saphir Cordovan Cream if you have VSC already. I have found that VSC works better on Allen Edmonds Shell Cordovan and that the Saphir works better on the Alden Shell Cordovan. Alden adds an acrylic finishing on their Shell Cordovan, so that makes a tiny difference with care. Typically, I brush less on non-Alden Shell Cordovan for that reason… Thanks and happy shining!
Mike – super helpful! two quick questions: 1) does it ‘annoy’ you that the stitching picks up color? 2) do you do the same thing for shoes with perforations? are you concerned about the water/paste/wax etc making its way into the holes and ‘globbing’ up?
Hey Jason and good questions!
I actually prefer the stitching to pick up the color from the paste wax, I personally think that it looks better that way. But it does come out fairly quickly with brushing. I just re-waxed these boots last week and the stitching was completely white.
I have not had too much problems with it accumulating on designs with broguing. I generically try and go pretty light on paste wax, which helps to avoid this!
Howdy Mike – what are your thoughts on natural shell cordovan (like your Strands, which I have also recently acquired). Do you use neutral wax on them? Do you have a deerbone that is separate (I have one already for my Color 8 shell, but it has clearly picked up some color)? Thanks in advance!
Howdy M, good to see you over here. Those are some pretty interesting questions. I only have 2 pairs in Natty Shell that I haven’t worn enough to really merit a polishing session beyond my standard care. I will say that I generically treat Natty Shell just as I would Whiskey. So, I use the same Brush and Polishing Cloth on Natty Shell as I do my Whiskey Shells. I only own one deer bone and haven’t found that it does much in the area of transferring color between any of my shoes. So, in short, I use the same deer bone on Whiskey, Natural, Black, Color 8,… I am interested to see what your bone looks like, frankly, it makes me think that you may have a bit of excess product on your shoes if the deer bone is collecting color, since that hasn’t been my experience. For wax, I was planning to use the Neutral Saphir products to clean/hydrate my Natty along with Tan Alden Paste Wax, just as I would on Whiskey. Hope this helps!
As a follow-up: The bone I have came from a #8 home (only used a couple of times and it scared the owner, who passed it along to me inexpensively) and it was used on my 1968 vintage #8 Florsheim Imperials and the #8 Alden x BB PTB’s (which were also probably 15+ years old) I had at the time. Both probably had seen some product prior to my ownership, and the bone seems to have absorbed a bit.
I still have the Imperials and recently picked up some #8 Alden boots, so I think I’ll keep that bone dedicated to those two and get another one for my other three pairs of light shell (the aforementioned natty shell Strands, my Grant Stone Cognac shell PTB’s and my most-recent acquisition, Alden Ravello NSTs).
Mike. I just got home from my business trip and had a few nice items waiting for me; my Color #8 LWBs and my deer bone. I need to do some work on my LHS Color #8. Have a few creases and spots. Should I apply the bone in circular or in a straight pattern. The bone feels a little oily but not excessively so. Is that normal. Bone is from Leffot. Thanks.
Hey Tony,
I usually end up going back and forth across the creased area. If you can manage a circular like motion, that is probably a more natural motion. The bone does have an oily vibe to it and will leave a clear-ish residue on the Shell, that is normal and comes off during brushing. Great, I got my deer bone from Leffot as well! 🙂
What would you recommend as the best shoe cream. I saw you had mentioned the Venetian and Saphir. Normally I would just buy the Alden from Alden of SF, however, I have an Amazon gift card to burn.
Mike. I read the rest of you post and you recommend Saphir for Alden shell. Ok, I saw the Renovator and the Pommadier. Any one better than the other. I am going to have to start paying you for advice. You get us an order on some exotics and I will buy you a pair for compensation. Hope you have a pleasant Fourth of July. Thanks again for your advice.
I purchased some alden creme wax and paste wax for my alden boots but now I have seen that I want to stay away from waxes. Wondering if there is a specific product that won’t damage the boot?
Magaji, Alden Boot Creme isn’t to bad to use as an alternative to water. I personally much prefer water personally. I do use paste wax periodically as referenced above, but I don’t typically use it. Just when I want to add some pigment or if I scuff them bad. Generically I just brush and buff them… Hope that helps!
Scusami ma in Italia non si usa l’osso di cervo( solo osso di cavallo per pelle bulgary), dove posso trovarlo IN ITALIA?
I am unfortunately unsure where to get a Deer Bone in Italy, I would try contacting any of the following retailers and see if they can help you out!
Bartoli Giuseppe
Via Roma 9, Forte Dei Marmi, Italy 55042
Via Dei mille 1, Cura di Vetralla, Italy 01019
Via Vescovado 58, Padova, Italy 35141
Calzoleria Borghini
Via Mazzini, 12, 25100 Brescia, Italy
Piazza dei Signori 10, 31100 Treviso, Italy
Cso Trieste 136A, Roma, Italy 00198
Liverano & Liverano
Via dei Fossi 43/r, Firenze, Italy 50123
M Cilento & F LLO
Via Medina 61 a/b, 80133 Napoli, Italy
Marangon & Giovanetti
Via Martiri della Liberta 78, 31100 Treviso, Italy
Mike, I wonder if your system / process has changed since you wrote this just over six years ago? Or are there any new products you recommend? Thanks, Amory
A, that is actually a pretty interesting question! I actually by and large stick to this process to the T. The only and main change I have made is that I now use Alden Boot Cream instead of water to hydrate my shoes every time that I clean them!
Hi Mike,
What’s the difference between Alden boot cream and other products (VSC, Saphir cordovan cream, renovateur), I thought Alden product was just produced by some of these makers and rebranded.
I now have Bick 4, Saphir Renovateur, saphir cordovan cream (burgundy) and saphir 1925 neutral cream, which should I use for nourishing the cordovan shoes I have? I find that the non-Alden shells tend to have dry spots (got AE brown shell, Grant Stone honey shell & C&J navy shell), and don’t know what product to use on them, should I get VSC or Alden boot cream?
P.S. I usually just brush dust/damp cloth wipe after wear of my shell shoes, and use conditioners very sparingly.
Good Evening and an interesting question. You will definitely see a lot of different opinions on this. I personally do not like Saphir or VSC on Alden Shells. I find they just do not go well with the acrylic finish that Alden puts on their shoes. I found it much better on my older AEs.
I think that just some water or ABC is a better process for caring for your Alden’s. Just my experience and personal opinion. Less is more with whatever you use. Just a nice brush and buff.
and I find that sometimes the residues of conditioners hard to remove by brushing/buffing (and lose the shine on these spots), anything to do to fix that?