Alden Whiskey Shell Cordovan Leisure Handsewn
Alden makes an absolutely outstanding Penny Loafer with their LHSes. It is stocked regularly in Color #8 and Black Shell Cordovan and a variety of other leathers. It is rarely made in the hard-to-produce Whiskey Shell Cordovan. But, the Whiskey Shell Cordovan makes an absolutely magnificent makeup and is perfect particularly for the summer casual look, although, as a San Diego resident, I liberally wear these year round.
This particular pair was made by TheShoeMart and is the standard Whiskey LHS. It features the traditional Whiskey and Light Tan “Antique” combination, and is made identically to the classic 986, Lined Shell Cordovan LHS.
Additional pictures after the break…
Hi. Is there a way to get on a list for Whiskey SC aldens? How would I know when someone is “making up”?
Great question! The candid best way is to establish a relationship with a vendor. Either recommend picking a vendor local to you or a vendor that has historically done exotic models that you are interested in. Make sure to not just E-mail them or order online, but to actually talk to them in person (ideal, but hard right now) or over the phone. That way you are a person to them and someone that they think of instead of just a transaction ID. You also need to be direct and after completing a transaction, asking them if they have any active orders for an exotic Shell Cordovan model. I would then be politely persistent, checking in with the shop every month or so and discussing what they have in stock, what they are thinking about, and if they have an exotics in their pipeline.
Hope that helps!