Alden Raven Ryden Boot
Frankly, I am not a huge fan of Plain Toe Boots. If you browse my collection, I really don’t own a Plain Toe Boot (I sold the Ravello Plain Toe Boot, if you look in my “Collection” page). I really like Epaulet and Mike Kuhle and have been eyeing a number of his makeups. I thought that this Black Shell Cordovan Plain Toe Boot, with the Brass Eyelets and Antique Edge would be a pretty cool way to introduce the Plain Toe Boot concept to my collection. It was named in honor of RydenFan of StyleForum. Well, it doesn’t take very long to figure out that they don’t have Antique Edges. Alden chose to not put Antique Edges on this makeup, thus its new name, the “Raven Ryden”. Obviously, I thought it was still a nice enough makeup to go with it and picked it up regardless.
This Black Shell Cordovan Plain Toe Boot made exclusively for Epaulet in New York City, was made around the Barrie Last. It features exposed Brass Eyelets and a Commando Sole. Its a beautiful makeup and a unique combination to see Brass Eyelets with Black Shell Cordovan.
More pictures after the break…
Fantastic! Love the Shell with Commando!
I’m looking for a pair of these boots in a size 10. My favorite style. Beautiful collection.
I am not exactly sure who will make this precise makeup. This was a special for Epaulet and to my knowledge, Mike is not currently stocking Aldens. Leffot used to have a very similar makeup, but it has been a year or so since they last remade them. If interested, I would contact them to see if they are going to remake them…