Alden Color #4 PT Boots
There are many truly legendary Alden makeups. But it is harder to think about something more epic than a perfectly designed Color #4 Plain Toe Boot. Well, here they are!
For those who are unaware of Color #4, it is one of Horween’s truly magical shades of Shell Cordovan. It uses the same dye of their classic Color #8, their phenomenal Burgundy shade that is synonymous with Cordovan, but at half the concentration. This yields an absolutely amazing shade that is a perfect combination of brown and red. The perfect shade for a perfect style!
These boots were a special makeup from my friends at Alden of San Francisco. As you could surmise from the introduction, these are made out of the forever exclusive Color #4 Shell Cordovan. It is the absolutely perfect showcase of the Shell, being a Plain Toe Boot, there is no where for the beauty of the Shell to hide. The pattern is perfect for show casing the absolute glory of this Shell, as it is absolutely the star.
These Color #4 PT Boots were made around Alden’s friendly and classic Barrie Last, providing a universally terrific fit! The pattern has a simple side, continuing the theme of minimal distractions and showcasing the Shell. The Color #4 upper is perfectly paired with Alden’s always coveted Antique Edge and features Alden’s exquisite Pre-Stitched Reverse Welt, providing a nice and rugged styling. The Antique Edge leads to Alden’s Command Outsole, providing a comfortable and yet usable outsole for a boot. For the ease of access, the boots feature matching speed hooks.
This pattern and these design elements all combine to provide the ultimate, clean Color #4 makeup. But enough descriptions, the pictures below are worth a thousand words!
I had one of my unique experiences, as I actually had the perfect timing and distinct privilege to pick these up in store! It felt equivalent to getting “European Delivery” on a Porsche 911 and it created some absolutely legendary photo opportunities!
And of course, here they are next to their fellow 2020/2021 Color #4 Makeups. A truly remarkable family!!!
Finally, an interesting comparison of two Plain Toe Boots, the Alden Color #4 PT Boot next to a Viberg Color #6 PT Service Boot.