Alden Color #2 PT Boots
Color #2 Shell Cordovan. You can pretty much stop right there and you know you are in for an absolutely exclusive treat. Color #2 is amongst the least commonly produced shades of Horween Shell Cordovan used by Alden (to date). Color #2 has only been seen once before, back in 2014 and was only offered on two models, a LWB for Alden of Carmel and an Unlined LHS for Tassels HK. I was surprised and excited when I got the call for these. And there is no better way to showcase Shell Cordovan than to leave it simple and just let the glory of the Shell come through.

Color #2 Shell Cordovan comes from the “Color #” family that includes the truly classic Color #8 Shell Cordovan, which with its rich burgundy color has become synonymous with Cordovan. Color #2, alike the always coveted Color #4 Shell Cordovan, is made by taking the dye of Color #8 but applying it in a reduced amount, specifically 1/4 of the concentration. This yields a lovely reddish color that yields a nice mix of the Color #8 pigment and the natural shell tan shade. It is a light red color with brown undertones to it and it makes some truly killer boots! For 2023, Alden has mixed it up and applied their special finishing to the uppers, creating a richer look to the color (as opposed to the 2014 Color #2’s which were unfinished).
These Color #2 Shell Cordovan Plain Toe Boots come from my friends at Alden Madison and are one for the history books. It is about as simple and clean as you can get an Alden makeup. These boots were made around the more generous Trubalance Last, providing a superior comfort fit that will be easy on the feet for years to come. It features the fabulous red Color #2 Shell Cordovan paired with Alden’s truly special Antique Edge. The Antique Edges on these appear to be among their lightest variants and just glow when the light hits them, The Boot features Alden’s Double Leather outsoles and a 360 degree welt that wraps around the outsole with a pre-stitched reverse welt. The shoes are adorned with Alden’s Brass Hardware, creating a nice contrast and pairing with the Color #2 Shell. The sides of these boots were kept nice, clean and simple, featuring no additional adornments on the side. Overall, the details of these boots are truly on point and yield a boot that sets the mark of what Alden can do with some Color #2 Shell Cordovan.
Photos of these boots can be seen below along with pictures compared to my other exotic Plain Toe Shell Cordovan offerings are offered below!