Alden Cigar Plain Toe Blucher
The Plain Toe Blucher (PTB) is about as classic of a shoe as one can find. It is simple, clean and very dynamic.
Alden’s actually offer’s two different types of Plain Toe Bluchers, the “Wholecut” and the “Dover”. The Wholecut, as it sounds, is made of essentially one piece of Shell Cordovan that has a single seam in the back (other than the eyestays). The Dover is made out of three pieces (front/toe, inside, and outside), breaking at the eyestays and the back of the shoe. Typically, when one refers to an Alden PTB, particularly for Shell Cordovan, they are referring to the Wholecut. The Dover is typically only used for the Unlined models, such as the Suede PTBs, which require the additional support afforded by having more seams and structural integrity.
These Cigar Shell Cordovan Plain Toe Bluchers are of the Wholecut variant and were offered by Alden of San Francisco. They feature the very classical configuration of the Shell Cordovan PTB; being made around the Barrie Last, having a Split-Reverse Welt, and a Double Leather Outsole. They are also the quintessential Cigar configuration with the Tan “Antique” edges. These Cigar Shell Cordovan PTBs are as classic and amazing as they get.
More pictures after the break…
With a Guarded Goods Light Brown Shell Cordovan Belt.
Very helpful dover explanation. Thanks!