One Thousandth Instagram Post
In addition to creating this blog and fairly actively participate in StyleForum, I have an Instagram Account dedicated to my passion for fine mens shoes. Today, I hit my 1,000th post on instagram. It took me nearly 3 years to get to this milestone, but I made it.
This forced me to decide how I wanted to approach it, which naturally led me to three natural questions, the what, the where, and the how. Well, I think the where is pretty obvious, since my favorite place to take my pictures is on my back patio. For the what, I decided that I wanted to wear something special, so I went with my Color #4 Wingtip Boots, the same pair that I used for my inaugural post. For the how, I decided to put a bit more effort into the post and used my Nikon camera instead of my standard iPhone pictures. This took quite a bit more effort, but using a tripod, the camera timer, and an extra pair of shoes to set the focus point, it actually went much smoother than I expected.
Great Job!
Thank you very much Brian!!!