I use pretty basic supplies for my shoe care.
- I use a horsehair brush (I am cheap and buy the Allen Edmonds brushes). I use a separate brush for each color in order to avoid dye spill over. I do use the same brush for very similar colors (i.e. Alden Ravello vs. Carmina Cognac vs. Allen Edmonds Walnut Shell).
- I use cotton cloths (again, I just use the Allen Edmonds cloths, cheap and work fine). I do maintain at least 2 cloths per each color, one for basic care and one for paste waxing.
- Alden Paste Wax
- Black for Black Shell
- Color 8 for Color 8 Shell
- Brown for Cigar Shell and Ravello Shell
- Tan for Whiskey Shell
- Abbeyhorn Deer Bone (mine is from Leffot)
- Alden Leather Defender
- Allen Edmonds Heel & Sole Edge Dressing
- Black for Black Shell and Color 8 (standard edges)
- Natural for the Dark Antique (more properly referred to as Mahogany).