Alden Color #8 Shell Cordovan Leisure Handsewn
There are three models that people think of when they think of the classic Alden models, they are the 975, 990, and 986; which are the Color #8 LWB, Color #8 PTB, and Color #8 LHS respectively. It takes a pretty remarkable model to be a classic or quintessential Alden. Well, the Alden Color #8 LHS lives up to the hype.
First, the color… Cordovan to me makes me think of Shell Cordovan, the shiny, durable horse hide that we know and love. However, Cordovan is also used frequently to refer to a color, which is the rich burgundy color that Horween calls Color #8. Color #8 is the classic Shell Cordovan color. Some call it the King. That is for good reason, it is a beautiful color that is extremely versatile. The classic pairing of Color #8 is with the Black Edge, for a timeless, classy look.
Second, is the design… The Alden LHS is an absolutely remarkable pattern. It just has extremely beautiful lines to it and to me is the apex of the Penny Loafer. Its called the Handsewn because the stitching around the vamp is all done by hand, similar to the highly sought after Norwegian Split Toe makeups. This handwork takes significantly more time for Alden to produce, but yields a look that can not be achieved any other way. The upper is paired with a tastefully done single leather outsole to provide it with sufficient substance, but not excess bulk.
All in all, the Color #8 LHS is just a truly classic shoe that transcends time and generations.
Additional pictures after the break.