This page is dedicated to the various Whiskey Shell Cordovan make ups that I have or had. If you have any questions with regards to these, please don’t hesitate to contact me or leave a comment below.
Alden Longwing Blucher
Vendor: TheShoeMart
Model Number: 97891
Last: Barrie
Material: Whiskey Shell Cordovan
Special: This is the traditional exotic Longwing Blucher, made on the Barrie Last. It features the “Tan” Antique Edges and is an absolutely beautiful shoe.
Alden Shortwing Balmoral
Vendor: Alden of Washington D.C.
Model Number: 97285
Last: Tremont
Material: Whiskey Shell Cordovan
Special: To me, this is one of the perfect San Diego shoes. Between the formal pattern and the beautiful Whiskey Shell color and material, it is harder to find a shoe, that captures my style and the San Diego culture better than this one.
Alden Short Wing Blucher
Vendor: Harrison Ltd.
Model Number: 20481
Last: Aberdeen
Material: Whiskey Shell Cordovan
Special: Again, another great model, that is perfect for San Diego and elsewhere. This one is a little more practical than the Balmoral version, which is inherently enigmatic. This is a very rare shoe, and the run from Harrison was the first and only time that I have seen this shoe made!
Alden U-Tip Blucher
Vendor: Alden Madison
Model Number: D6618
Last: Aberdeen
Material: Whiskey Shell Cordovan
Special: A special makeup based upon the Aberdeen NST Blucher made specially by Alden Madison with Antique Edges and a Single Leather Sole.
Alden Plain Toe Blucher
Vendor: The Alden Shop (Alden of San Francisco)
Model Number: 9905
Last: Barrie
Material: Whiskey Shell Cordovan
Special: This is the traditional Alden PTB (990), but made in Whiskey Shell and has “Tan” Antique Edges. This is my favorite of the entire Plain Toe Blucher lineup. This shoe has been very evasive for me though!
Alden Cap Toe Balmoral
Vendor: Alden Madison (New York)
Model Number: 9064
Last: Hampton
Material: Whiskey Shell Cordovan
Special: This is a special makeup from Alden Madison. It’s a great combination of formal and casual, being a Whiskey Balmoral.
Alden Leisure Hand-sewn
Vendor: CitiShoes
Model Number: 6746
Last: Van
Material: Whiskey Shell Cordovan
Special: The Leisure Hand-sewn is just a beautiful piece of footwear and the Whiskey color is just a terrific color on this model. This is one of the few models, in which I would endorse the entire “Shell Rainbow” on. This particular model has a dark welt.
Alden Leisure Hand-sewn
Vendor: TheShoeMart
Model Number: 67462
Last: Van
Material: Whiskey Shell Cordovan
Special: This is the traditional Alden LHS (986), but made in Whiskey Shell and has “Tan” Antique Edges. This is one of the few models, in which I would endorse the entire “Shell Rainbow” on.
Alden Unlined Leisure Hand-sewn
Vendor: Brooks Brothers
Model Number: 37790
Last: Van
Material: Unlined Whiskey Shell Cordovan
Special: This is a truly unique and limited shoe. This shoe is made by Brooks Brothers and is an Unlined version of the Traditional Leisure Hand-sewn Penny Loafer. These are very uncommon to find and frankly, I just got lucky with these. These loafers are a few years old, and their color has matured significantly over the past few years!
Note: This is one of, if not, my oldest and most worn Whiskey Shell Cordovan pair and they have darkened since purchase.
Alden Tassel Loafer
Vendor: Alden of Washington D.C.
Model Number: 3658
Last: Aberdeen
Material: Whiskey Shell Cordovan
Special: This was a special make-up for Washington D.C. It comes per the standard Tassel specifications, but made out of Whiskey.
Alden Handsewn Tassel Loafer
Vendor: BEAMS
Model Number: 36581
Last: Copley
Material: Whiskey Shell Cordovan
Special: This was a special run for the Beams 35th Anniversary celebration. A unique model with hand stitching on the vamp.
Alden Penny Loafer
Vendor: H. Stockton
Model Number: D9216
Last: Leydon
Material: Whiskey Shell Cordovan
Special: This is a special model of the traditional Penny Loafer with machine stitching and foxxing on the heal.
Alden Full-Strap Loafer
Vendor: Alden Madison (New York)
Model Number: 6831
Last: Van
Material: Whiskey Shell Cordovan
Special: This is a particularly uncommon model, but is a beautiful design. I love the Full-Strap loafer as well as the Leisure Hand-sewn model. I randomly ran into this pair just sitting there for me at Alden Madison when I visited the store. I guess that you sometimes never know what you will encounter sometimes.
Alden Monk Strap
Vendor: Alden Madison (New York)
Model Number: 1683
Last: Aberdeen
Material: Whiskey Shell Cordovan
Special: This is a particularly uncommon model, but is a beautiful design. This is a special makeup specifically for Alden Madison.
Alden Chukka Boot
Vendor: The Alden Shop (Alden of San Francisco)
Model Number: 1348
Last: Barrie
Material: Whiskey Shell Cordovan
Special: This special short 2-eyelet Chukka Boot is made around the Barrie Last in the lovely Whiskey Shell Cordovan.
Alden “Indy” Boot
Vendor: Alden Madison (New York)
Model Number: 40536H
Last: Trubalance
Material: Whiskey Shell Cordovan
Special: This is a very special twist to the famous “Indy” Boot, that Indiana Jones wore in the famous movie series. This boot is made of Whiskey Shell Cordovan on the Trubalance Last and has a Double Leather sole.
Alden “Tanker” Boot
Vendor: Leffot
Model Number: 4026HC
Last: Barrie
Material: Whiskey Shell Cordovan
Special: This Norwegian Split-Toe boot is made of Whiskey Shell Cordovan on the Barrie Last and has a Commando sole.
Alden “Tanker” Boot
Vendor: CitiShoes
Model Number: 7914HC
Last: Barrie
Material: Whiskey Shell Cordovan
Special: This Norwegian Split-Toe boot is made of Whiskey Shell Cordovan on the Barrie Last and has a Commando sole with Brass Hardware.
Alden NST Boot
Vendor: Alden of Washington D.C.
Model Number: D8915
Last: Plaza
Material: Whiskey Shell Cordovan
Special: This Norwegian Split-Toe boot is made of Whiskey Shell Cordovan on the elegant Plaza Last and has a Waterlock sole.
Alden Perforated Tip Boot
Vendor: TheShoeMart
Model Number: D9824
Last: Barrie
Material: Whiskey Shell Cordovan
Special: This Perf Tip boot is made of Whiskey Shell Cordovan on the popular Barrie Last and has a Waterlock sole.
Alden Wingtip Boot
Vendor: Alden Madison (New York)
Model Number: D5801HC
Last: Barrie
Material: Whiskey Shell Cordovan
Special: This Wingtip boot is made of Whiskey Shell Cordovan on the friendly Barrie Last and has a Commando sole.