Alden Ravello Plain Toe Bluchers
The Plain Toe Blucher (PTB) is about as classic of a shoe as one can find. It is simple, clean and very dynamic. Alden’s actually offer’s two different types of PTBs, the “Wholecut” and the “Dover”.
These Ravello Shell Cordovan Plain Toe Bluchers are of the Wholecut variant and were offered by Alden of San Francisco. They feature the very classical configuration of the Shell Cordovan PTB; being made around the Barrie Last, having a Split-Reverse Welt, and a Double Leather Outsole. They are the more formal Ravello variant as they feature the darker Mahogany edges.
Additional pictures are available after the break.
The epitome of the great American shoe and I plan to buy the shell cordovan. I can’t wait.