Alden Navy Suede Tassel Loafer
When it comes to the Tassel Loafer, it is hard to beat the Alden Tassel Loafer. I mean, Alden did invent the Tassel Loafer. They say that it is “Often imitated, never duplicated”.
This Navy Suede tassel loafer keeps the same heart as their far more traditional Shell Cordovan Tassel Loafer, but with a bit more spunk and character.
These beautiful loafers are made on the same Aberdeen Last as their Shell brethren and feature the same decorative stitching design. These Navy Suede Tassels were made for Alden of New York (Madison) and feature a Single Leather outsole with Tan Antique Edges. The decorative stitch around the vamp is a nicely contrasting tan, to add character and interest.
More pictures after the break…
Here there are paired up with their Snuff Suede Brothers.