Alden Dark Brown Suede Unlined Chukkas
Alden has many stock or catalog shoes. These are the shoes that are available on their official site, aldenshoe.com. These shoes are stock shoes for a reason, they are true classics. Alden’s Unlined Suede Chukkas are no exception to that rule. Their Unlined Suede Chukkas are truly a phenomenal model that brings about an amazing balance of comfort and style.
Alden offers their Unlined Suede Chukkas in five different shades of Suede; Dark Brown, Snuff, Tan, Black, and Hunting Green at this point in time. All of these shades are suede are just superb, I personally love Snuff Suede, but I already have a healthy collection of Snuff, so I elected to go with something different. These Chukkas, being Unlined fit like butter. They are super soft and supple and completely morph to the every need of your foot. That is supplemented by Alden’s use of their Flex Welt, providing a ton of flexibility in the sole for the wearer, again continuing that walking on cloud type experience. These Chukka’s all feature Alden’s famous Tan “Antique” Edge and Welt, creating a beautiful overall impression.

Alden’s Unlined Suede Chukkas are all made around Alden’s Leydon Last. It is a little more of a unique Last for Alden in terms of fitting. It tends to be True-to-Size, but sometimes folks need to size up, and I was in that boat with these, opting for a Size 11C on these. I highly recommend getting fitted for this last in particular, if you haven’t already tried it on in the past. I found that my typical size of 10.5C was a little tight on the top for me.
I can not recommend enough of these beautiful Chukkas, and the best part is that they are available from literally any Alden retailer. They make a great addition to anyone’s collection. More pictures of these beautiful Unlined Suede Chukkas can be seen below.
Love the shade of these: more of a taupe than dark brown. My dark brown Aldens have more of a red tone than gray. I prefer gray and have dyed mine with Fiebing’s gray suede dye. But they don’t look as good as these.
Mark, thank you very much, the color on these came out very nicely! The Brown Suede actually tends to be fairly consistent, but agree that this pair came out very nicely!